Hand Selected Help for The Stuck Creative

I have picked the most in-depth and robust items available. When you pick one, please take a lot of time to work through them slowly and consistently. If you do that, your creative life will change for the better.

Amazon.com Selections: (all items are ordered and shipped via Amazon) – When you click on a link a new window opens so to get back to The Stuck Creative, click the extra window close and you will be back.

Coaching the Artist Within – An essential guide from the father of Creativity Coaching, Eric Maisel.

Fearless Creating – A more advanced program from the father of Creativity Coaching, Eric Maisel.

Visioning: Ten Steps to Designing the Life of Your Dreams – You got to have a sharper image of what you want to be as a producing creative person. Here is a place to begin.

Flight Path – Friendly book on the importance and technique of goal setting.

The Power of Less – The Zen of getting basic things under control and done so you have more time for creativity.

Time Management for the Creative Person: Right Brain Strategies for Stopping Procrastination, Getting Control of the Clock and Calendar, and Freeing Up Your Time and Your Life

Organizing for the Creative Person: Right Brain Styles for Conquering Clutter, Mastering Time, and Reaching Your Goals

Emotional Energy Factor: The Secrets High-Energy People Use to Beat Emotional FatigueAll Creatives need energy. Much attention has been placed on building physical energy but what about the energy that comes from our psyche. We can have all the physical strength and wellness but if we are down, we are down. This is an excellent book for concentrating on what gives you emotional energy or takes it away. Physical wellness with emotional energy gives us the power to drive through distractions and difficulties onward to creative achievement.

Embracing Your Inner Critic: Turning Self-Criticism into a Creative AssetVoice Dialogue is a power technique of getting to know those inner parts of ourselves that help and hinder our creative lives. In this book we take a detailed and broad look at the part everyone knows as the inner critic, how to get to know it, and how to work it for greater freedom.

The Creative Dreamer: Using Your Dreams to Unlock Your CreativityDreaming is the most regular creative activity we do. Veronica Tonay shows us how to bring the product of that creative wellspring to our daytime lives and creative activities. Veronica Tonay brings to this book extremely deep knowledge of the science and art of dreaming.

Visualize Confidence: How to Use Guided Imagery to Overcome Self-DoubtThinking about being confident—a strength all creatives need in high measure—is not enough. You also need to get “below your eyeballs” and into your feelings, images, and body to find and expand this strength. Kirwan Rockefeller gives you the tools. The only regret, I wish his publisher had included a CD of the various visualization exercises listed in the book. Shoot!

The Artist’s Quest for InspirationThis is a good cross section of ways to get the inner fires of inspiration going. Built mainly for visual artists, this book offers text and general discussion of how other artists have sought inspiration, not a long collection of exercises or bullet-point suggestions frequently found in other books. In this discussion, we learn about the value of: journal writing, revisiting childhood games, free-association drawing, working with other artists, creating an inspirational studio, the value of traveling and more.

Help From Other Sources: When you click on a link a new window opens so to get back to The Stuck Creative, click the extra window close and you will be back.

Online Vision Board – Not only can you add images but music! This is a way to create your vision that hits you again and again at the poetic, heart-felt level. Powerful.