A great and easy way to build momentum and get better at creative work is to routinely share with another creative. Sharing involves talking about how work is going, what you have learned about your work process, what helps keep you focused, and what distracts you. You can also set a self-directed target and report back how well things went. All you need to do is have a simple and quick check-in with your accountability partner in person, by phone, email, or video conference. Get started this week with this video that tells you everything you need to know.
Video Contents:
00:00 Intro
00:55 Accountability Partner Defined
04:19 Setting Up a Partnership
04:23 Step 1 – How to Search for a Partner
05:13 Step 2 – Layout the Structure
05:31 Step 3 – Layout Communications
06:26 Step 4 – Set up a Trail
07:28 A few remaining details
11:15 Keep on topic
11:20 Wrap-up