We daydream all the time. If you count worrying, planning, ruminating on past events, then we spend an estimated 47% of our time not only in our heads but in inner visions that are outside of reality. It is time for all creatives to take charge, to use daydreaming as a tool and not as a source of distraction and energy dissipation. Creatives need to: -learn the specifics about daydreaming (what it is, how it works), -learn how to craft positive, energizing, and creativity-inducing daydreams, -learn how to daydream effectively. and lastly, -learn which daydreams creative really need to have at their fingertips.
Contents of Part 1
Creatives Need Day-Dreams for Energy, Clarity, and Inspiration
Untangling the Term “Day-Dreaming”
The Bias Against Day-Dreaming
Creative Day-Dreaming Defined
How Do Creative Day-Dreams Work?
Closing Comments
Contents of Part 2
Day-Dream Building Blocks
How to Build Your Own Day-Dream
Closing Comments
Parts 3 + are on their way.